Thursday, March 5, 2020

6 Tips To Sell Your Property Quickly For The Highest Dollar Even During 'Off' Season

Selling a house can be stressful, especially if you’re putting it on the market in the fall. Finding the right real estate agent to partner with to market your home is the first step and one that should not be taken lightly. But, the selling process shouldn’t be placed entirely in your agent’s lap.

There are several things that every homeowner can (and should) do to make their property stand out since nobody wants a house for sale that rots on the market. Here are six tried and true tips to make sure your property stands out from its competition even in an over-saturated or off-season market that will ensure that you sell your home as quickly as possible for the highest possible price. Prepare yourself. None of these recommendations are easy, fun, or for the casual, uncommitted seller.

Clear Out Your Clutter & Get A Storage Unit: I get it. It’s hard not to accumulate stuff after being in a home for a few years. But, most people don’t have the vision to see past things like ill-sized furniture and clutter that makes the home look smaller then it actually is. And no one wants to step into a house that appears to be messy or disorganized. If you want to sell your house quickly do yourself a favor and clear out your space so the flow and square footage of the home is easily seen and highlighted. Also, remove personal items like photos or any highly valuable items since people want to envision their new lives in the home—not yours.

Clean everything out of the basement, the attic, and organize closets and pantries. What doesn’t go to storage either donate it or give it the heave-ho? I know from very recent experience that a 10’ x 20’ storage unit will cost you less than $125/month (not including the sweat equity of moving everything out). It’s money well spent. Look at the exercise as an opportunity to streamline your life—believe me, it will make your life easier when you actually move.

Fix Everything: Inspections aren’t just due diligence—they are re-negotiation leverage especially in a buyer’s market. Fixing everything before you list your property may sound like a daunting task with some houses but to every reasonable extent repair anything that’s broken especially the obvious eye-catching ones like rotting wood on the exterior, peeling paint, stains on the floors and carpets, running toilets and dripping faucets, broken lights, cracked windows, electrical switches to nowhere, old termite damage in the attic, and leaks in your foundation or crawl space.

Any issues with the home will eventually be discovered by the buyer or during the inspection process and will most certainly cost you one way or another. If you are not handy or are unaware of the inspection process it might be a good idea to have an inspection before you list your property so there aren’t any big or expensive surprises. You don’t want to risk a deal falling apart over issues that could have been fixed right from the start.

Be Upfront About The Potential Shortcomings Of Your Property: Every home has its strengths and weaknesses some of which are undeniable. Knowing how to work with your agent to market and sell your property while acknowledging those weaknesses upfront with potential buyers and other agents won’t waste anyone’s time (including your own), which will be appreciated by all parties. And beware of using superlatives in your listing like “immaculate”, or the often-abused “gourmet chef’s kitchen”, unless your property truly offers buyers those characteristics. Your listing should be carefully written so that it is an honest portrayal of your home—especially since photos can be deceptive either in benefit of or detriment to the seller. There is nothing worse for a buyer than to be excited by the online presence of a property only to being disappointed upon actually seeing the home.

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